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The 10 Most Effective Ways To Make Money!

The 10 Most Effective Ways To Make Money!

If you surf the web a little bit, you've probably already received all kinds of ads offering solutions to make ends meet in just a few clicks.

Don't be fooled: very often, these pop-up advertisements cover up scams!

On the other hand, it is indeed possible to earn money through the Internet. As proof, millions of people use the Web for a living every day.

Many online businesses are very lush, without necessarily having to invest colossal sums, and while allowing you to work from your home, with the simple condition of having a good Internet connection.

So here are some of the most popular businesses, starting with the profitable business of dropshipping!

1. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is an online business that allows you to earn money through an e-commerce site, without having to invest a lot of money.

This business model allows you to sell a product to a customer without necessarily having it in stock.

To do this, you just have to create an online store offering all kinds of products and wait for the first orders from your customers to order them from your suppliers.

Then your wholesaler ships the item directly to your end customer. You are therefore simply acting as an intermediary between the two parties, while taking a commission in the process.

The Dropizi solution allows you to easily create your store in a few clicks and add hundreds of products in a very intuitive way. In addition, to guarantee your success, the Dropizi subscription even includes training in dropshipping!

Indeed, the success of such a project still requires some basic skills, especially in terms of marketing strategy. To achieve your ambitions, Dropizi experts support you, step by step, in the development of your online store.

Likewise, the platform takes care of all the binding and technical aspects of your website. You have only one mission left: to sell without worrying about the rest!

Getting started in the dropshipping business with Dropizi - Free 15-day test

2. The sale of DIY products

If you have the soul of a creator, why not start designing "homemade" objects, to then sell them on the web? Do It Yourself (DIY) is booming.

Especially since today there are many tutorials on the internet that explain, step by step, how to create objects!

Here is an example with reusable wipes:

In France, in 2018, it was still a colossal market, reaching 1,250 million euros, an increase of 12.5% ​​in just four years.

Some sites, like ETSY, bring together many DIY objects made by various craftsmen or independents, spread all over the world. Thus, Internet users have access to a very large catalog of products of all kinds, unique and handmade.

If it is possible that you exhibit your items directly on this site, be aware that you can also design your own online store and create your own brand, in particular through specialized platforms such as Wizishop.

Furniture, jewelry, decoration, clothing, cosmetic products… You are free to design objects that look like you and make them known to as many people as possible!

3. Affiliation

Affiliate marketing is another very popular way to make money on the Internet. This strategy has the advantage of bringing you gains without having to invest.

The idea is simply to advertise other brands. In return, the latter pays you commissions or even other freebies, such as applications, software or other commercial products.

Another very important point: it is quite possible to be affiliated with several companies. In other words, you are free to choose to advertise for a single company or to diversify by offering products for multiple partners.

So how do you go about making money and making ends meet with affiliate marketing?

The most effective strategy comes down to focusing on content marketing. In other words, if you are not bad at writing, start writing a blog and add original and varied content.

Regular publications will allow you to gradually conquer more audiences and to stand out as your own brand. Then, your affiliate commissions will be negotiated according to your notoriety.

The more you will be known, the better the advertisements on your blog will be remunerated.

If this system has already had its ups and downs, over time it has largely proven its ability to become profitable, provided of course that you are a good salesperson.

There are many affiliate programs on the internet. Some sites have their own program like Amazon's. But you can also visit sites like Affilae which lists many brands that offer affiliation.

4. YouTube videos

Today, Youtubers are very numerous on the Web. Consequently, it is not always easy to find a place of choice in this fiercely competitive world.
To put the odds on your side and have the hope of developing a strong and loyal audience, I recommend that you first and foremost position yourself in a niche.

Better to position yourself as a benchmark player in a specific area that you master to perfection, rather than trying to bring up all kinds of topics.

For example, specialize in testing a very specific video game, eyelash makeup or afro hairstyle tutorials, sharing your knowledge of balcony gardens or renovating old objects ...

The idea is above all to share your know-how with as many listeners as possible and to position yourself as an expert in a sector.

The secret to stand out? Find an original way to convey interesting content to people. Videos on YouTube shouldn't just be informative. They should also be entertaining.

Then, be sure to choose a punchy video title. It is essential for Internet users to want to click on your link.

Finally, be aware that only YouTube channels with a minimum of 1000 subscribers are monetized. It is from this moment that you can add YouTube Ads to it.

To give you some idea (and make you dream a little), some of the highest paid YouTubers around are making tens of millions of dollars a year!

5. Influence

Are you more into social networks than YouTube? In this case, no problem. Again, there is a great way to make money on the Internet. By becoming an influencer!

As proof, the best influencer on the planet, named Kylie Jenner, gets $ 1 million for each sponsored post she publishes on her Instagram account!

Of course, not all influencers are in the same boat and the sums collected are not always so pharaonic.

On the other hand, influence is a practice that continues to grow, becoming in the process an excellent way to make ends meet, even for the most modest influencers.

For starters, it is important to build a strong notoriety by bringing together a large community of fans on your Instagram profile. This is a step that takes a lot of time and requires publishing as many regular posts as possible, while tagging them with well-chosen keywords.

Then, once you are followed by a large audience, all you have to do is canvass brands to offer them sponsored and billed posts.

The idea is simple: you integrate some of their products into your posts. These are noticed by all your fans. In exchange, you receive remuneration. This is called product placement!

6. Online training

If you have a great deal of knowledge in a specific area, but don't necessarily want to share videos on YouTube, be aware that there are many people on the internet who specialize in delivering and selling training.

These different strategies allow you to exchange your knowledge for remuneration, on condition, however, that you choose the themes of your training courses, so that they interest the widest possible audience!

To do this, do not hesitate to inquire beforehand on the Internet. Put yourself in the place of your target: what questions do Internet users ask? What aspects do they like or dislike? Also look at what already exists related to your area of ​​expertise.

Try to stand out by offering more engaging and innovative content.

7. The blog

On the same note, blogging is a great way to earn money and get paid using the Internet. Besides, this is one of the oldest strategies for getting paid through the web.

Note, however, that blogs on the Internet are very numerous. It is therefore essential to master certain basics of editorial content to stand out and rise in the first results of Google searches.

So, when you start writing your blog, don't forget to make a list of very specific keywords to use in your texts to enrich your content and have a chance to better position yourself. This method of natural referencing has a considerable influence on your order of appearance in Google queries.

So how does a blog make money?

There are a number of ways to use it to earn compensation. First, some advertisements can be strategically placed on your site in exchange for billing.

Likewise, some of your posts may be sponsored by brands, through paid partnerships.

Some bloggers also sell digital and physical products on their site, in exchange for a commission.

In this sense, the blog is closer to an influencing strategy. It is simply used to federate a community around your texts to then place products there and make you money.

8. Microservices

Microservice consists of selling your skills on the Internet to clients, making yourself known through platforms.

Fiverr, Free-lancer, 5euros, Upwork, Findemoiunfreelance or Malt are all sites which bring together many independents.
Their vocation? Bringing together self-employed entrepreneurs with a wealth of skills and clients looking for specific know-how.

These platforms are great ways to find clients when starting a freelance business.

They make it possible to multiply contacts and to be paid quickly, once the service is completed. Various missions can be offered. This can be web development, graphic design, copywriting, website design, or translation work.

Globally, microservices relate to tasks related to websites and their development. With 1.4 billion websites in the world in 2019, you will easily understand that this is a colossal business, allowing to obtain profitable and regular remuneration.

To avoid being fooled or wasting too much time, remember to check the reputation of the platform with which you want to collaborate. To measure its reliability, I advise you to rely on:

Its number of clients looking for service providers;
The opinions of freelancers who have collaborated with her;
The payment methods offered by the platform;
Pay levels.
To get started in microservice, no specific training is required. However, to increase your knowledge and skills, some course modules are available on the Internet.

9. Distance learning

Another business to round off your ends of the month and not the least: distance learning courses.

Many parents of children and adolescents look for teachers, to come to the aid of their toddlers, when they experience some difficulties in one or more subjects.

While private lessons at home have long been popular, distance lessons are gradually gaining ground.

Their main advantage? As you don't have to make any trips, you save a lot of time!

Therefore, in this model, everyone is a winner. The online teacher can have more students and earn more money.

As a result, he claims lower hourly pay, which also makes parents happy.

Giving distance learning courses requires very little equipment. A simple Skype account, a webcam and a microphone will do the trick ... Besides, of course, some knowledge of the subjects you decide to teach!

Note that there are also specialized platforms, allowing you to give private lessons at a distance.

Hello Mentor, Superprof, Edulide, Je me propose or even Qwerteach are all sites which bring together thousands of teachers and which are also consulted by many clients looking for courses.

10. Monetization

Finally, monetization is another great way to make money online.

Its principle? Make yourself known to a large audience and use your notoriety to monetize your YouTube channel, your blog or your Instagram and Facebook posts.

There are several ways to monetize your channel, profile or site:

By disseminating advertisements for remuneration;
By selling products that you advertise in your videos;
By allowing your audience to support you through donations;
By selling your media online under license;
By collaborating with different brands as an influencer or affiliate;
By participating in crowdfunding campaigns to finance your projects.
As you will have understood, there is no shortage of business ideas on the Internet and some of them can be particularly fruitful.

However, like any job, developing such activities requires time and skills. Launching a business on the Web is often very time consuming, especially when starting up.

Abstract :

To make money on the Internet in 2021, you can get started in:

The sale of DIY products
Youtube videos
Online training
The blog
Distance courses
Do not give up and do not hesitate to train yourself to become more efficient. Nothing prevents you from starting your online business while keeping your current job.

Sometimes it takes several months before such businesses earn a salary. Make it a secondary activity first and tell yourself that Rome was not built in a day!
